
Garou: Mark of the Wolves

Cheat mode
     Do the following:

Highlight Dong Hwan, hold [Start] and input the following code: 
[up], [up], [down], [down], [up], [down]: 
Play as Grant: Continue holding Start, press any button 
to confirm selection.

Highlight Jae Hoon, hold [Start] and input the following code: 
[down], [down], [up], [up], [down], [up]: 
Play as Kain: While still holding Start, press any button 
to confirm your selection.

Simply hold [Start] and press any button: Random character select

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Bishop (10):                  In Xbox LIVE MODE, achieve more 
                              than 10 victories in total. 
                              *Only in RANKED MATCH

Blood of Geese Howard (10):   Use ROCK, take "Deadly Rave Neo" once. 
                              *STORY MODE only

Hunter (30):                  SURVIVAL MODE Clear.

Impregnable Defense (20):     Take "Just Defense" more than 10 times 
                              in one match. *STORY MODE only

Invincible Wolf (20):         Clear STORY MODE, don't lose any round, 
                              any continue, don't encount KAIN 
                              *In default BATTLE SETTING

King (30):                    In Xbox LIVE MODE, achieve 5 straight 
                              *Only in RANKED MATCH

Knight (15):                  In Xbox LIVE MODE, achieve more 
                              than 20 victories in total. 
                              *Only in RANKED MATCH

Legendary Wolf (25):          Clear STORY MODE, don't lose any round, 
                              any continue, encount KAIN. 
                              *In default BATTLE SETTING

Lonely Wolf (10):             Clear STORY MODE without encount KAIN. 
                              *In default BATTLE SETTING

Perfect Match (5):            Achieve 1 round perfect. 
                              (No damage victory)

Rage of Mademoiselle (15):    Use B.JENET, take "Ennui Mademoiselle" 
                              *STORY MODE only

Survivor (10):                Achieve more than 7 straight victories 
                              in SURVIVAL MODE.

Survival Mode
     Hold  all  four  attack buttons before the charater select screen
appears,  then  move to the one you want and either press START or let
time run down.

Secret taunts
     After  defeating  your oponnent, hold Left or Right and tap Start
to  use  an hidden taunt. Every character has two secret taunts (these
can ONLY be used after defeating an oponnent and before your character
goes into his/her winning pose).

Select your winning pose
     Immediately press a button after beating the opponent.

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