Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Caribbean Challenge (10) Complete the Caribbean course under par.
Parkland Challenge (10) Complete the Parkland course under par.
Grab a Cup (20) Win a game in cup mode.
Bag a Birdie (10) Hit a birdie (one below par) on any hole.
Eagle Eye (20) Hit an eagle (two below par) on a par 4
or higher hole.
Chip In (10) Hit the ball in the hole from outside of
the green with any other club than the putter.
Hole In One! (30) Hit the ball in the hole with one stroke.
Networking (10) Complete one course in any mode online.
Online Challenge (30) Play online modes and beat a total of 10 other
Lawnmower (30) Swing 1000 times.
Bunny Love (10) Wear a bunny accessory in game
when there is a bunny close by.
Ironman(10) Complete one hole using only Iron Clubs
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