
Guitar Hero World Tour

Cheat Code
     On the main menu select the "Options" Menu, then select the "Cheats" 
Menu, and click on the "Enter New Cheat" selection. Enter one of 
the following codes to unlock the corresponding cheat.

Performance Mode:
     Press Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Red, Blue, Green, Red, Red. 

     Press Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Green, Green. 

Auto Kick:
     Press Yellow, Green, Red, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Red. 

Unlock Quickplay:
Press Blue, Blue, Red, Green, Green, Blue, Blue, Yellow. 

     Press Blue, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Green. 

     Press Green, Red, Blue, Green, Red, Blue, Blue, Green. 

Johnny Viper:
     Press Blue, Red, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Green. 

     Press Blue, Red, Green, Green, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Green. 

Air Instruments:
     Press Red, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Green, Green, Yellow. 

Invisible Characters:
     Press Green, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Blue, Green. 

AT&T Ballpark:
     Press Yellow, Green, Red, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Yellow. 

Gem Color:
     Press Blue, Red, Red, Green, Red, Green, Red, Yellow. 

Flame Color:
     Press Green, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Red, Yellow, Blue. 

Star Color:
     Press Red, Red, Yellow, Red, Blue, Red, Red, Blue. 

Vocal Fireball:
     Press Red, Green, Green, Yellow, Blue, Green, Yellow, Green. 

Always Slide:
     Press Green, Green, Red, Red, Yellow, Red, Yellow, Blue. 

Extra Line 6 Tones:
     Press Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green.

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

50 Note Posse (15): All band members get a 50 note streak at the same time 
     (4 player band)

A Pair Beats A Pair (5): Complete an Xbox LIVE 2 v 2 Pro Face-Off match 
     (win or lose)

Bad to the Bone (10): You rocked out as the Skeleton

Band on a Mission (25): Complete the majority of the gigs (Band or Solo)

Bling, Bling (30): Earn $1,000,000 in lifetime earnings

Custom Beats (5): You created your own custom drums

Download Junkie (5): Download a few songs from GHTunes

Easy There (25): Complete a Career on easy (Band or Solo)

Feeding the Beast (5): Upload a song to GHTunes

First of Many (10): Complete a gig (Band or Solo)

Hall of Famer (100): Complete a Career on expert (Band or Solo)

Hardcore (60): Complete a Career on hard (Band or Solo)

Inked (5): You created a custom tattoo

Jack of All Trades (150): Complete all instrument careers - any difficulty 
     (Band or Solo)

Leading Lady (10): You rocked out as Hayley Williams

Learning the Ropes (5): Complete a tutorial

Medium Musician (30): Complete a Career on medium (Band or Solo)

Mine is Bigger Than Yours (5): Complete an Xbox LIVE Band v Band match (win or lose)

Motorcity Madman (10): You rocked out as Ted Nugent

One Man Band (10): Perform as every instrument at least once (Vocals, 
     Lead, Bass & Drums)

One Of A Kind Axe (5): You created your own custom guitar

One Time Solo Artist (5): Completed a song (Solo)

Pick and Axe (5): Perform as a Guitarist (Band or Solo)

Platinum Rockstars (50): 100% a song as a band, hard or expert only 
     (4 player band)

Pumpkin Smasher (10): You rocked out as Billy Corgan

Rock Maiden (5): You created a female band member

Should We Stick Together? (10): Complete a song in a band (4 player band)

Solid Gold Rockstars (30): 100% a song as a band (4 player band)

Solo Artist (25): Complete a solo career (any difficulty)

Stamp Of Approval (5): You created your own band logo

Stix (5): Perform as a Drummer (Band or Solo)

Survival of the Fittest (5): Complete an Xbox LIVE Battle Mode match 
     win or lose

The Dark Prince (10): You rocked out as Ozzy Osbourne

The Experience (10): You rocked out as Jimi Hendrix

Top of the Charts (30): Complete a band career (any difficulty)

Warrior Of Rock (5): You created a male band member

Wylde Man (10): You rocked out as Zack Wylde

Yodeler (5): Perform as a Vocalist (Band or Solo)

Unlockable Characters
     All characters must be bought from the character select screen 
after completing the unlocking requirements.

Billy Corgan: Play the song 'Today' in the band career.

Hayley Williams: Play the song 'Misery Business' in the vocals career.

Ozzy Osbourne: Play the Ozzfest gig in the vocals career.

Rockubot: Complete th drum career.

Skeleton: Complete the vocals career.

Sting: Play the song 'Demolition Man' in the bass career.

Ted Nugent: Beat his guitar battle in the guitar career.

Travis Barker: Play the song 'Dammit' in the drum career.

Zakk Wylde: Beat his guitar battle in the guitar career.

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