
Kinect Adventures

14k Gold (30)
Earn a Gold Medal, or see one earned, in all Basic Free Play levels
18k Gold (40)
Earn a Gold Medal, or see one earned, in all Intermediate Free Play levels
Advanced Degre (75)
Participate in all Advanced Adventures' reward ceremonies
Adventurous (50)
Participate in all Intermediate Adventures' reward ceremonies
Basic Training (20)
Earn a Silver Medal, or see one earned, in all Basic Free Play levels
Best Buds (20)
Have a friend join you while playing an activity or challenge
Captured Captions (30)
See 10 different captions on your photos
Cheese! (10)
See a photo get taken
Court Adjourned (30)
Successfully complete all Rallyball time challenges, or see them completed
Davy Jones' Blocker (30)
Participate in the reward ceremony for the Sunken Treasure Adventure
Explorer (50)
Play every level in Free Play
Fulfilled Your Destiny (50)
Participate in every Adventure reward ceremony
Globetrotter (30)
Participate in the reward ceremony for the Around the World Adventure
Happily Ever Rafter (30)
Successfully complete all River Rush time challenges, or see them completed
Just Like Being There (20)
Play any individual activity with another player online
Orbital (30)
Participate in the reward ceremony for the Space Loot Adventure
Recording Artist (20)
Record 2 Living Statues
Recording Master (50)
Record all 11 Living Statues
Recording Thespian (30)
Record 6 Living Statues
Reminisce (10)
View a saved photo
Sharing Is Caring (20)
Upload, or see someone upload a Living Statue or photo to the Internet
Shining Advancement (40)
Earn a Silver Medal, or see one earned, in all Advanced Free Play levels
Shining Example (40)
Get a Gold Medal in all activities in Free Play
Silver Spoon (30)
Earn a Silver Medal, or see one earned, in all Intermediate Free Play levels
Solid Gold (50)
Earn a Gold Medal, or see one earned, in all Advanced Free Play levels
Time Flies (30)
Successfully complete all Reflex Ridge time challenges, or see them completed
Variety Pack (20)
Play all activities in Free Play
Warm up (25)
Participate in all Basic Adventures' reward ceremonies

Советы наших посетителей (0)

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Отзывы посетителей об игре (1)

Автор: victor04
Отличная игра, хотя в ней и мало режимов игры (только пять). Плюсы: в Kinect Adventures есть меню приключений, 4 уровня сложности и 20 приключений! Также есть запись голоса игрока и кооперативный режим. К минусам можно отнести то, что игра быстро надоедает - и всё из-за того, что мал выбор режимов.

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