
Kung Fu Panda

Invincibility: Story Mode Cheat
On the Main menu, go to extras, and then cheats. Once there, enter the following code to make Po invincible during the story mode gameplay. (Whether this can help you with the "Invincible" achievement or not is unknown) NOTE: This cheat does not stop you from earning achievements.
Down, Down, Right, Up, Left
Unlock all multiplayer characters
On the main menu, go to extras and click on the "cheats" button:
Left, Down, Left, Right, Down
Unlocks all multiplayer characters
4x Damage Multiplyer
On the main menu, go to extras and click on the "cheats" button:
Up, Down, Up, Right, Left
4x Damage Multiplyer
Dragon Warrior Outfit and Additional Move Set
On the main menu, go to extras and click on the "cheats" button:
Left, Down, Right, Left, Up
Dragon Warrior Outfit and Additional Move Set
Obtain All Outfits
On the main menu, go to extras and click on the "cheats" button:
Right, Left, Down, Up, Right
Obtain All Outfits
Obtain Full upgrades
On the main menu, go to extras and click on the "cheats" button:
Left, Right, Down, Left, Up
Obtain Full upgrades
Big Head Mode
On the main menu, go to extras and click on the "cheats" button:
Down, Up, Left, Right, Right
Big Head Mode
Infinite Chi
On the main menu, go to extras and click on the "cheats" button:
Down, Right, Left, Up, Down
Infinite Chi
Unlock Dragon Warrior Outfit (Multiplayer)
On the main menu, go to extras and click on the "cheats" button:
Left, Down, Right, Left, Up
Unlock Dragon Warrior Outfit (Multiplayer)
Multiplayer Map
On the main menu, go to extras and click on the "cheats" button:
Up, Up, Left, Down, Down
All multiplayer maps
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Awesomely Awesome (30)
Defeat 250 Enemies.
Fastest Warrior (20)
Obtain a Hit Chain of 10 or higher using only Fast Attacks.
Fearless (20)
Make it through an entire level without blocking an attack.
Game Completed - Master (20)
Complete the entire game on the Master Difficulty setting.
Invincible (50)
Make it through the entire game without dying.
Kung Fu Warrior (20)
Obtain a Hit Chain of 15 or higher using any combination of attacks.
Level 1 100% Completion! (20)
Complete level "Po's Dream" 100%.
Level 10 100% Completion! (20)
Complete level "Secret of the Sands" 100%.
Level 11 100% Completion! (20)
Complete level "The Palace" 100%.
Level 12 100% Completion! (20)
Complete level "The Warrior's Destiny" 100%.
Level 13 100% Completion! (20)
Complete level "The Final Battle" 100%.
Level 2 100% Completion! (20)
Complete level "Tournament of the Dragon Warrior" 100%.
Level 3 100% Completion! (20)
Complete level "Level Zero" 100%.
Level 4 100% Completion! (20)
Complete level "Protect the Palace" 100%.
Level 5 100% Completion! (20)
Complete level "Lake of Tears" 100%.
Level 6 100% Completion! (20)
Complete level "Wudang Temple" 100%.
Level 7 100% Completion! (20)
Complete level "Treacherous Waters" 100%.
Level 8 100% Completion! (20)
Complete level "Wudang Rescue" 100%.
Level 9 100% Completion! (20)
Complete level "Howling Moon" 100%.
Master Of All (30)
Unlock Everything.
Panda Stumble Extreme (20)
Panda Stumble for 60 Seconds. Forced Stumble doesn't count.
Panda Stumble Warrior (20)
Obtain a Hit Chain of 5 or higher using only Panda Stumble.
Strongest Warrior (20)
Obtain a Hit Chain of 5 or higher using only Strong Attacks.
Ultimate Dragon Warrior (30)
Purchase All Upgrades.
Untouchable (20)
Make it through an entire level without getting hit.

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