
LMA Manager 2007

Win the English Premiership (100)  Win the English Premiership. 

Win the Scottish Premiership (50)  Win the Scottish Premiership. 

Win Italian Serie A (100)          Win Italian Serie A. 

Win Spanish Liga 1 (100)           Win Spanish Liga 1. 

Win German Liga 1 (75)             Win German Liga 1. 

Win French Division 1 (75)         Win French Division 1. 

Win the Dutch Eredivisie (50)      Win the Dutch Eredivisie. 

Win the Portuguese Super Liga (50) Win the Portuguese Super Liga. 

Win the European Cup (125)         Win the European Cup.1 

Win the C.E.F.A. Cup (75)          Win the C.E.F.A. Cup. 

Win the English National Cup (25)  Win the English National Cup. 

Win the Scottish National Cup (15) Win the Scottish National Cup. 

Win the Coppa Italia (25)          Win the Coppa Italia. 

Win the Spanish Copa del Rey (25)  Win the Spanish Copa del Rey. 

Win the German National Pokal (20) Win the German National Pokal. 

Win the Coupe de France (20)       Win the Coupe de France. 

Win the Dutch National Cup (15)    Win the Dutch National Cup. 

Win the Taя┐╜a de Portugal (15)      Win the Taя┐╜a de Portugal. 

Win the English League Cup (15)    Win the English League Cup. 

Win the Scottish League Cup (5)    Win the Scottish League Cup. 

Win the German Liga Pokal (10)     Win the German Liga Pokal. 

Win the French Coupe De Ligue (10) Win the French Coupe De Ligue.

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