
Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth

Adamantium (30)
You obtained an adamantium grade.
Army of One (50)
You won a fight without changing characters in Campaign.
Avengers (5)
You won a battle with Captain America and Iron Man.
Bad Intentions (5)
You won a battle with Super Skrull & Doctor Doom.
Breaker (5)
You used your Breaker to break a Combo.
Brothers (5)
You won a battle with Thor and Loki.
Champion (20)
You won a Tournament.
Closure (100)
You finished the Campaign mode.
Combo (5)
You chained two Super Attacks.
Completist (150)
You finished all character's challenge.
Counter (10)
You countered a Super Attack with another Super Attack.
Dodge this (5)
You dodged a Super Attack.
Earth United (30)
You finished the first part of the Campaign.
Escapist (5)
You performed a Counter Kick.
Experienced (20)
You got 100 000 Experience points.
Fashion (5)
You changed the costume of one of your character.
Fearless (50)
You won a match without dodging in Campaign.
Fire & Ice (5)
You won a battle with Human Torch & Iceman.
Heatwave (5)
You won a battle with Phoenix & Human Torch.
Here I am! (5)
You won your first battle in Campaign.
Impressive feet (5)
You performed a Close-Combat.
King of the Hill (20)
You won the arcade mode once.
Leading Ladies (5)
You won a battle with Scarlet Witch & Storm.
Legend (200)
You unlocked the highest Rank.
Maximum Combo (20)
You chained 4 Super Attacks by switching characters twice.
Need a Doctor? (5)
You won a battle with Doctor Doom & Doctor Strange.
Part of me (5)
You won a battle with Spider-Man & Venom.
Pioneers (5)
You won a battle with Hulk & Iron Man.
Power duo (5)
You won a battle in CO-OP.
Ride the lightning (5)
You won a battle with Thor & Storm.
S.H.I.E.L.D (5)
You won a battle with Hawkeye & Black Widow.
Skrulls (5)
You won a battle with Super-Skrull and Veranke.
Speed and Power (15)
You reached the FAST velocity when doing a Super Attack 5 times in a row.
Student (30)
You finished the Tutorial challenges.
Super charged (5)
You used your ULTRA Attack.
Super Tag Combo (15)
You chained 3 Super Attacks by switching characters twice.
Symbiosis (5)
You performed a 4x Combo in CO-OP.
Tag Combo (10)
You chained two Super Attacks by switching characters.
Team power (10)
You fired projectiles during the ULTRA attack in CO-OP.
The X-Men (5)
You won a battle with Wolverine and Phoenix.
Trialist (50)
You finished every Trial.
Uneasy Alliance (5)
You won a battle with Wolverine & Magneto.
Untouchable (50)
You won a fight without being hit in Campaign.

Советы наших посетителей (0)

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