
NFL Head Coach 09

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

A Cut Above (20)              Get the highest overall approval Rating 
                              in the league, after one season

Best Ever (250)               Win the Super Bowl 3 times 
                              with the same team
Best of all Time (100)        Go undefeated during a season

Drawing Some Plays 
in the Dirt (10)              Create at least 10 custom plays

Gameday Guru (50)             Complete a head to head match on Xbox LIVE

Goal Oriented (15)            Accomplish all of your Season Goals

Gold Miner (10)               Find 90+ Potential Training Camp Invite

I'm The Decider (10)          Get 100 percent correct defining moments 
                              during a game day

Man of the People (10)        Get your approval level with your 
                              team's players to 80, after one season

Media Darling (10)            Get your approval level with the media 
                              to 80, after one season

Mr Popularity (10)            Get your approval level with the fans 
                              to 80, after one season

Nerves of Steel (10)          Successful Defining Moments 20+

One Big Happy Family (10)     Get your approval level with your coaching 
                              staff to 80
One for the Mantle (50)       Win the Coach of the Year award, 
                              after one season

Repeat Offender (100)         Win back to back Super Bowls with one team

Teachers Pet (10)             Get your approval level with your owner 
                              to 80, after one season

We Idolize You (75)           Get an overall Approval Rating of 95, 
                              after one season

We Like You (25)              Get an overall Approval Rating of 85, 
                              after one season

We Love You (50)              Get an overall Approval Rating of 90, 
                              after one season

Welcome to the Club (125)     Win 100 games with a created coach

Xs and Os Guy (20)            Create at least 25 custom plays

You Arrived (30)              Win your first Super Bowl ring

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