
Open Season

     Complete  each  of  the  following  achievements below to get the
allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable                        How to Unlock
Adventure completed! (50)         Complete the adventure.
Maximum Wild Points Obtained! (100)  Complete the game with maximum 
                                  Wild Points.
Butterfly Badges! (15)            Collect all 10 Butterfly Badges.
Flower Badges! (15)               Collect all 10 Flower Badges.
Trash Badges! (15)                Collect all 10 Trash Badges.
Feather Badges! (15)              Collect all 10 Feather Badges.
Beetle Badges! (15)               Collect all 10 Beetle Badges.
Acorns Badges! (15)               Collect all 10 Acorn Badges.
Track Badges! (15)                Collect all 10 Track Badges.
Mushrooms Badges! (15)            Collect all 10 Mushroom Badges.
Leaf Badges! (15)                 Collect all 10 Leaf Badges.
Buddy with all animals! (15)      Become a buddy with all animals.
Collection Rewards! (100)         Unlock all 10 Collection Rewards.
Wild Skills! (65)                 Learn all 15 Wild Skills.
Buddy with Beavers! (5)           Become a buddy with the Beavers.
Buddy with Deer! (5)              Become a buddy with the Deer.
Buddy with Ducks! (5)             Become a buddy with the Ducks.
Buddy with Porcupines! (5)        Become a buddy with the Porcupines.
Buddy with Rabbits! (5)           Become a buddy with the Rabbits.
Buddy with Skunks! (5)            Become a buddy with the Skunks.
Buddy with Squirrels! (5)         Become a buddy with the Squirrels.
Perfect Dinkelman Dreams! (20)    Complete Dinkelman Dreams 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Timberline! (20)          Complete Timberline 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Puni Mart Picnic! (20)    Complete Puni Mart Picnic 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect for Hoof it! (20)         Complete Hoof it with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Scare Bear! (20)          Complete Scare Bear 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Wake in the Wild! (20)    Complete Wake in the Wild 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Meet the Skunks! (20)     Complete Meet the Skunks 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Mine Shafted! (20)        Complete Mine Shafted 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Snow Blitz! (20)          Complete Snow Blitz 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Fowl Duty! (20)           Complete Fowl Duty 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Hunted! (20)              Complete Hunted with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Crazy Quackers! (20)      Complete Crazy Quackers 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Duck and Cover! (20)      Complete Duck and Cover 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Beaver Damage! (20)       Complete Beaver Damage 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Rocky River! (20)         Complete Rocky River 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Shaw's Shack! (20)        Complete Shaw's Shack 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Start the Battle! (20) 	  Complete Start the Battle 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Protect the Clan's Tree! (20)  Complete Protect the Clan's Tree 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Tanks a Lot! (20)         Complete Tanks a Lot 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Clear the Ducks! (20)     Complete Clear the Ducks 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Trouble with Trappers! (20)  Complete Trouble with Trappers 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Chainsaw Cha Cha! (20)    Complete Chainsaw Cha Cha 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Reilly's Rampage! (20)    Complete Reilly's Rampage 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Toothy Torpedoes! (20)    Complete Toothy Torpedoes 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.
Perfect Shaw Showdown! (20)       Complete Shaw Showdown 
                                  with maximum Wild Points.

Unlockable Minigames
     Complet the mission to obtain the minigame.

Unlockable                        How to Unlock
Flowers for my Deer               Complete "Meet the Skunks"
Shake that Butt!                  Complete "Hunted"
Duck Chorus                       Complete "Crazy Quackers"
Rise, Rise to the Top!            Complete "Beaver Damage"
Wild Memory                       Complete "Shaw's Shack"

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