
Rayman Raving Rabbids

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable                   How to Unlock
Deejay Rayman (50)           Unlock the DeeJay Rayman set 
                             from story mode.
Gothic Rayman (50)           Unlock the Gothic Rayman set 
                             from story mode.
Rock n Roll Rayman (50)      Unlock the Rock N Roll Rayman set 
                             from story mode.
Caramba Rayman (50)          Unlock the Caramba Rayman set 
                             from story mode.
Raymaninho Rayman (50)       Unlock the Raymaninho Rayman set 
                             from story mode.
Bunny Rayman (50)            Unlock the Bunny Rayman set 
                             from story mode.
The Great Escape (100)       Finish the story mode once.
Rayman in Camera (50)        Play the game with Xbox Live Vision 
                             at least once.
Rayman Loves Music (50)      Unlock all the 8 music track in story mode.
Rayman Loves Movies (100)    Unlock all the 9 bonus movies in score mode.
Rayman Loves Drawing (100)   Unlock all the 3 artworks in score mode.
The Bunny Hunter (50)        In score mode, get 700 or higher points 
                             in all Bunny Hunter games.
The Fastest Rayman (50)      In score mode, get 700 or higher points 
                             in all Get Going games.
Dance King (50)              In score mode, get 700 or higher points 
                             in all Shake Your Booty games.
Greatest Rayman Ever (100)   In score mode, get 183,000 points in total.
Rayman Loves Challenge (50)  Unlock all the challenges in score mode.

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