

Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore.
Adventurer (10)
Found way out of the first ruin
Archaeologist (20)
"The mystery of the eastern temple" completed
Archer (10)
Found first bow
Beast slayer (30)
500 monsters killed
Beginner (10)
First monster killed
Big game hunter (50)
2000 monsters killed
Expert (20)
100% achieved in an attribute
Family man (20)
"The sons of Tilda" completed
Fence (30)
"A package for the Don" completed
Ferocious wild boars (10)
20 wild boars killed
Fervent swimmer (10)
Caught by the tideworm 10 times
Field hand (10)
10 grain plants collected
Ghost hunter (20)
"Find all the vassal rings" completed
Gladiator (20)
Every close combat talent learned
Hard worker (50)
250 quests completed
Idiot (10)
Fell to death 3 times
Jester (10)
25 Jest spells used
King Midas (50)
300,000 gold coins obtained
King of the handymen (20)
20 tool bags collected in inventory
Ladies' man (10)
"Woman beater" completed
Little hero (20)
"Where is Patty?" completed
Mage (20)
All crystals learned
Map reader (10)
Found first map in the game
Master detective (20)
Find Hemlar's murderer completed
Master of the classes (30)
100 % achieved in three attributes
Master thief (10)
50 pockets picked
Moneybags (30)
100,000 gold coins obtained
Ogre friend (10)
Rescued the ogre, Drok
Peacekeeper (30)
"Peace and order" completed
Philanthropist (10)
"Rescue Sara from the wilderness" completed
Rune master (20)
"The fourth seal of rune magic" completed
Safecracker (10)
100 locks picked
Samaritan (20)
"Medicine for everyone" completed
Sharpshooter (20)
Every ranged combat talent learned
Sidelined (20)
"Power struggle" completed
Terror of the hens (10)
20 chickens killed
The brave little tailor (10)
Seven grave moths killed
The fourth triplet (10)
10 treasures found
The merciful one (10)
The farmer's sick wife completed
Weaponsmith (10)
100 weapons forged
Well-to-do (10)
1.000 gold coins obtained
Wise man (20)
"The test of Master Ignatius" completed
Workaholic (20)
Every profession learned

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