
RTL Winter Sports 2010

Snowboard Boss easy (25)
Win the Snowboard Boss 1 Challenge.
Downhill Boss easy (25)
Win the Downhill Boss 1 Challenge.
Biathlon Boss easy (15)
Win the Biathlon Boss 1 Challenge.
Biathlon Jet easy (10)
Win the Biathlon Jet 1 Challenge.
Freeride Jet easy (10)
Win the Freeride Jet 1 Challenge.
Freeride Boss easy (50)
Win the Freeride Boss 1 Challenge.
Biathlon Gold Rush hard (10)
Win the Biathlon Gold Rush 2 Challenge.
Bobsled Boss easy (15)
Win the Bobsled Boss 1 Challenge.
Snowboard Gold Rush hard (10)
Win the Snowboard Gold Rush 2 Challenge.
Freeride Gold Rush easy (10)
Win the Freeride Gold Rush 1 Challenge.
Bobsled Boss hard (50)
Win the Bobsled Boss 2 Challenge.
Downhill Jet easy (10)
Win the Downhill Jet 1 Challenge.
Biathlon Bone Breaker hard (10)
Win the Biathlon Bone Breaker 2 Challenge.
Bobsled Jet easy (10)
Win the Bobsled Jet 1 Challenge.
Bobsled Gold Rush hard (10)
Win the Bobsled Gold Rush 2 Challenge.
Snowboard Trickser hard (10)
Win the Snowboard Trickser 2 Challenge.
Downhill Boss hard (50)
Win the Downhill Boss 2 Challenge.
Snowboard Jet hard (10)
Win the Snowboard Jet 2 Challenge.
Downhill Bone Breaker hard (10)
Win the Snowboard Bone Breaker 2 Challenge.
Downhill Jet hard (10)
Win the Downhill Jet 2 Challenge.
Biathlon Boss hard (15)
Win the Biathlon Boss 2 Challenge.
Freeride Gold Rush hard (10)
Win the Freeride Gold Rush 2 Challenge.
Freeride Trickser hard (10)
Win the Freeride Trickser 2 Challenge.
Freeride Boss hard (50)
Win the Freeride Boss 2 Challenge.
Freeride Bone Breaker hard (10)
Win the Freeride Bone Breaker 2 Challenge.
Bobsled Bone Breaker hard (10)
Win the Bobsled Bone Breaker 2 Challenge.
Bobsled Jet hard (10)
Win the Bobsled Jet 2 Challenge.
Downhill Bone Breaker hard (01)
Win the Downhill Bone Breaker 2 Challenge.
Snowboard Bone Breaker easy (25)
Win the Snowboard Bone Breaker 1 Challenge.
Freeride Jet hard (25)
Win the Freeride Jet 2 Challenge.
Snowboard Boss hard (100)
Win the Snowboard Boss 2 Challenge.
Rookie Cup (10)
Triumph at the Rookie Cup.
Sophomores Best Cup (10)
Win the Sophomores Best Cup.
Ski or Die Cup (10)
Triumph at the Ski or Die Cup.
First Big Time Cup (10)
Win the First Big Time Cup.
Night Move Cup (10)
Triumph at the Night Move Cup.
Tube Cup (10)
Win the Tube Cup.
Race Cup (10)
Triumph at the Race Cup.
Lord Ice Cup (10)
Win the Lord Ice Cup.
Five to Stay Alive Cup (10)
Triumph at the Five To Stay Alive Cup.
Night of Five Cup (10)
Win the Night of Five Cup.
Fab 4 Cup (20)
Triumph at the Fab 4 Cup.
Destiny Cup (20)
Win the Destiny Cup.
Oldschool Cup (25)
Triumph at the Oldschool Cup.
Newschool Cup (50)
Win the Newschool Cup.
Go for Gold Cup (50)
Triumph at the Go for Gold Cup.
49Games Cup (100)
Win the 49Games Cup

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