
Samurai Warriors 2: Empires

     Complete   the   following   achievements  to  unlock  Xbox  Live
Gamerscore points.

First Consultation (50 points): Empire Mode Event: 
     Lord confers with retainer upon taking 3 or more fiefs 
(Save game to receive)

Second Consultation (50 points): Empire Mode Event: 
     Lord  confers  with  retainer  upon taking 10 or more fiefs 
(Save game to receive)

Third Consultation (50 points): Empire Mode Event: 
     Lord  confers  with  retainer  upon taking 20 or more fiefs 
(Save game to receive)

Four Guardians (50 points): Empire Mode Event: 
     4  retainers are proclaimed the most essential to your clan 
(Save game to receive)

Most Valuable Warrior (50 points): Empire Mode Event: 
     A retainer is praised for his or her prowess in battle 
(Save game to receive)

Moon Child (50 points): 
     Obtain the mount "Moon Child" in Empire Mode and save your game.

Persian Mare (50 points): 
     Obtain the mount "Persian Mare" in Empire Mode and save your game.

Matsukaze (50 points): 
     Obtain the mount "Matsukaze" in Empire Mode and save your game.

Level Four Weapon (50 points): 
     Obtain a level 4 weapon in Empire Mode and save your game.

Stage: Battle of Kawanakajima (50 points): 
     In  Empire  Mode, play the special stage "Battle of Kawanakajima"
and save your game.

Stage: Battle of Anegawa (50 points): 
     In  Empire  Mode,  play the special stage "Battle of Anegawa" and
save your game.

Stage: Incident at Honnoji (50 points): 
     In  Empire Mode, play the special stage "Incident at Honnoji" and
save your game.

Stage: Battle of Sekigahara (50 points): 
     In Empire Mode, play the special stage "Battle of Sekigahara" and
save your game.

Stage: Osaka Campaign (50 points): 
     In  Empire Mode, play the special stage "Osaka Campaign" and save
your game.

Scenario: Battle of Anegawa (100 points): 
     Unlock the scenario "Battle of Anegawa" and save your game.

Scenario: Incident at Honnoji (100 points): 
     Unlock the scenario "Incident at Honnoji" and save your game.

Scenario: Battle of Sekigahara (100 points): 
     Unlock the scenario "Battle of Sekigahara" and save your game.

1570 Battle of Anegawa scenario:
     Successfully complete any regional scenario.

1582 The Honnouji Incident scenario:
     Complete the Clear the 1560 Kawanakajima scenario.

1600 Battle of Sekigahara scenario:
     Complete the 1582 Honnouji scenario.

Empire mode options:
     Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding option in
Empire mode.

Adjust Annex Options: Recruit 100 officers
Adjust Officer Limit: Unlock 50 Policy Cards
Adjust Time Limit: Complete Empire mode.
Change Fief Owner And Default Officers: Complete Empire mode.
Officer Death Options: Unlock 50 weapons

Fourth weapons:
     Get the weapon that your character uses to level 4, then finish a
battle  with  500  K.O.s.  You will get your character's fourth weapon
after that battle.

All image galleries and scenes:
     Unlock  all  the  fourth  weapons for each type of weapon and the
1,000 KOs medals for all characters.

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