
Saw 2: Flesh and Blood

Konami Code
Enter this Code at the start of the game where it says "Saw II: Flesh & Blood" and under it "press Start" Use the D-pad for directional Input:
Konami Code
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
A Little Background (15)
Found your first Case File
Battering Ram (15)
Defeat "The Bullish Man"
Brought to you by,... (15)
Watch the credits without skipping
Burned Out (15)
Beat the best time for the Lights Out Minigame (Insane)
Carla Song (30)
Free Carla from the trap
Chromatic (15)
Beat the best time for the Kaleidoscope Minigame (Normal)
Compassion (15)
Save a person that you don't have to
Connect the dots... (15)
Beat the best time for the Lights Out Minigame (Normal)
Did I fire 6 shots or only 5... (15)
Joseph dies
Easy Listening (15)
Found 1/2 of the Audio Tapes
Electrician (15)
Beat the best time for the Polarized Circuit Minigame (Normal)
Firefighter (15)
Barry dies
Forced Perspective (15)
Beat the best time for the Dial Puzzle Minigame (Insane)
Gear Grinder (15)
Beat the best time for the Jigsaw Box Minigame (Normal)
Half the story (15)
Found 1/2 of the Case Files
Hands off (15)
Zeke dies
Hedgehog's Dilemma (15)
Donovan dies
Henry Jacobs (30)
Free Henry from his trap
It must be SAW (15)
Play on Halloween
Joseph Poltzer (30)
Free Joseph from the trap
Journalist (30)
Found all the Case Files
Jury Rig (15)
Beat the best time for the Polarized Circuit Minigame (Insane)
Master Thief (15)
Beat the best time for the Lockpick Minigame (Insane)
Mechanic (15)
Beat the best time for the Jigsaw Box Minigame (Insane)
Mix Tape (15)
Found 1/4 of the Audio Tapes
Now THAT'S using your head! (15)
Escape "The Bullish Man"
Old School (15)
Enter the legendary Konami Code
P2P (15)
Beat the best time for the Point to Point Minigame (Insane)
Paper-Mache (15)
Found your first Billy Puppet
Path of Blood (75)
Campbell survived his test
Path of Flesh (70)
Campbell did not survive his test
Play ME! (15)
Found your first Audio Tape
Puppeteer (30)
Found all 7 Billy Puppets
Putting it all together (30)
Found all the puzzle pieces
Puzzle of Flesh (15)
Found 1/4 of the puzzle pieces
Reel to Real (30)
Found all of the Audio Tapes
Router (15)
Beat the best time for the Point to Point Minigame (Normal)
Running like Clockwork (15)
Beat the best time for the Weapon Case Minigame (Normal)
Sarah Blalock (30)
Free Sarah from the trap
Second Amendment (15)
Beat the best time for the Weapon Case Minigame (Insane)
Smooth Criminal (15)
Beat the best time for the Lockpick Minigame (Normal)
Solomon Bates (30)
Free Solomon from the trap
Some light reading (15)
Found 1/4 of the Case Files
Start with the Corners (15)
Found your first puzzle piece
Starting to come together (15)
Found 1/2 of the puzzle pieces
Thinking Three Steps Ahead (15)
Beat the best time for the Kaleidoscope Minigame (Insane)
Third time's the charm (15)
Subdue "The Bullish Man"
Tumbler (15)
Beat the best time for the Dial Puzzle Minigame (Normal)
Would you like to play a game? (15)
Complete the Eye Surgery Minigame
You wasted your life (15)
Play on Christmas

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