


Unlockable                   How to Unlock 

Chapter 1 Training (10)      Complete Chapter 1 Training.

Chapter 2 Training (10)      Complete Chapter 2 Training.

Chapter 3 Training (10)      Complete Chapter 3 Training.

Chapter 4 Training (10)      Complete Chapter 4 Training.

Chapter 5 Training (10)      Complete Chapter 5 Training. 

Chapter 6 Training (10)      Complete Chapter 6 Training. 

That's One Frustrated Sniper (10)
                             Block ten sniper shots 
                             with Wired Reflexes. 

Brother From Another Mother (20) 
                             Perform a cross-platform Resurrection.

Mine Is The Superior Platform (50) 
                             Kill 100 players
                             on the opposite platform. 

Healer (10)                  Save your allies with the Tree of Life.

Runner (10)                  Carry the Artifact all the way 
                             to the delivery point. 

Unstoppable (50)             Kill ten enemies in a row 
                             without being killed. 

BFF (20)                     Play Public Match in a Party with players
                             on both XBox 360 and Windows Vista. 

Elf Player (10)              Play as an Elf for one hundred games.

Dwarf Player (10)            Play as a Dwarf for one hundred games.

Troll Player (10)            Play as a Troll for one hundred games.

Human Player (10)            Play as a Human for one hundred games.

Heavy Smoker (10)            Ignore a great deal of damage
                             using Smoke.

Summoner (10)                Kill one hundred enemies
                             with your Minions.

Teleporter (10)              Teleport one hundred times. 

Blowhard (10)                Gust 5 enemies to their deaths. 

Resurrector (10)             Bring back one hundred allies 
                             from the dead. 

Target Lock (10)             Kill one hundred enemies
                             with SmartLink active.

Trollhammer (10)             Kill one hundred enemy Trolls.

Elf Bane (10)                Kill one hundred enemy Elves.

Dwarf Scourge (10)           Kill one hundred enemy Dwarves.

Street Samurai (20)          Kill one hundred enemies 
                             with the Katana. 

Popgun (20)                  Kill one hundred enemies
                             with the Pistol.

Lead Hose (20)               Kill one hundred enemies 
                             with the Minigun.

Tatter Tatter (20)           Kill one hundred enemies 
                             with the Rifle.

Sniper (20)                  Kill one hundred enemies
                             with the Sniper Rifle.

Shotty (20)                  Kill one hundred enemies
                             with the Shotgun.

Special Delivery (20)        Kill one hundred enemies
                             with Grenades.

Master Blaster (10)          Kill one hundred enemies
                             with the Rocket Launcher. 

100 Wins (100)               Win 100 games
                             during your Shadowrun career.

Well-Rounded (20)            Win a Public Match game as each race.

Well-Traveled (20)           Play a Public Match on each map.

3 for the Price of 1 (25)    Kill three enemies with one grenade.

Zombie Scores! (20)          Deliver the Artifact while bleeding out.

Assistant (20)               Get a 5:1 damage-to-kill ratio.

That Was Close (20)          Kill the Artifact carrier less than 
                             ten meters from the delivery point, 
                             and win the round.

Small World (20)             Play Public Match with players 
                             on both XBox 360 and Windows Vista.

Master Thief (25)            Deliver the Artifact untouched 
                             despite heavy defense. 

You're Coming With Me (25)   Avenge your own death!

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