
Shrek Forever After

100% Green Ogre (50)
Fill up the Ogre Power meter (primary profile)
Back to the Grave (20)
Beat the Skeleton battle in the Peasant Village (primary profile)
Big Treasure (20)
Open a big treasure chest (primary profile)
Catacombs Complete (50)
Complete 100% of the Catacombs (primary profile)
Docks Complete (50)
Complete 100% of the Docks (primary profile)
Dragon's Keep Complete (50)
Complete 100% of Dragon's Keep (primary profile)
Fear My Roar (20)
As Shrek, scare five enemies at once (primary profile)
Green And Mean (10)
Scare an enemy as Shrek (primary profile)
Just Getting Started (10)
Get your first health upgrade (primary profile)
Let's Have Some Fun (10)
Defeat an enemy in the Co-Op mode (primary profile)
Let's Start a Sing-a-Long! (10)
Use Donkey Radio on an enemy (primary profile)
Ogre Camp Complete (50)
omplete 100% of the Ogre Camp (primary profile)
Ogre Horn (10)
Sound-shock an enemy with Fiona (primary profile)
Ogre Mayhem (30)
Complete the Co-Op puzzle in the Peasant Village (primary profile)
Ogre Outlaws (30)
Complete the Co-Op puzzle in the Docks (primary profile)
Ogre Outpost (30)
Complete the Co-Op puzzle in the Swamp (primary profile)
Ogres Rock! (20)
Win the training fight in the forest (primary profile)
Paid the Piper (20)
Defeat the Pied Piper in the Catacombs (primary profile)
Peasant Village Complete (50)
Complete 100% of the Peasant Village (primary profile)
Prrrr... (20)
As Puss, enchant five enemies at once (primary profile)
Queen of the Swamp (20)
As Fiona, sound-blast five enemies at once (primary profile)
Ring Them Bells (20)
Find and return all three bells in Peasant Village (primary profile)
Rumpel's Palace Complete (50)
Complete 100% of Rumpelstiltskin's Palace (primary profile)
Shopping Spree (50)
Purchase all store items (primary profile)Purchase all store items (primary profile)
Shrek Goes Green (30)
Fill half of the Ogre Power meter (primary profile)
Sinking Ship (20)
Sink the pirate ship (primary profile)
Swamp Complete (50)
Complete 100% of the Swamp (primary profile)
Swamp Sweep (20)
Defeat the witches in the Swamp (primary profile)
Swamp Sweet Swamp (20)
Use the magic mirror (primary profile)
Team Shrek (30)
Defeat an enemy with each of the four characters in 1 battle (primary profile)
The Royal Highness Is Heinous (50)
Rumpel Defeated (primary profile)
Too Cute (10)
Use Puss In Boots' "big eyes" to charm an enemy (primary profile)
Towers Are For Sissies (20)
Defeat the Fairy God Mother in Dragon's Keep (primary profile)
Where's the Party? (30)
Use Donkey Radio on five enemies at once (primary profile)

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