
The Simpsons Game

     Complete  each  of  the  following  achievements below to get the
allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:

Pwnd (0)                      Dude, need help? You've died, like, 
                              10 times... 

Back to the Futurama (5)      Win time challenge for Five Characters 
                              in Search of an Author 

Chocolate Heaven (5)          Win time challenge 
                              for The Land of Chocolate 

Clown Around (5)              Win time challenge 
                              for Shadow of the Colossal Donut 

Engine Fun (5)                Win time challenge 
                              for Enter the Cheatrix 

Heavenly Joy (5)              Win time challenge for Game Over 

Hot Coffee (5)                Win time challenge for Grand Theft 

Maki Roll Mania (5)           Win time challenge for Big Super 
                              Happy Fun Fun Game 

Mall Rising (5)               Win time challenge 
                              for Invasion of the Yokel-Snatchers 

My Precious (5)               Win time challenge for NeverQuest 

Nice Cans! (5)                Win time challenge 
                              for The Day of the Dolphin 

Press START to Play (5)       Easiest achievement...ever 

Shooters Rejoice (5)          Win time challenge for Medal of Homer 

Sim Sandwich (5)              Win time challenge for Bargain Bin 

Steady Mobbin' (5)            Win time challenge for Mob Rules 

Table Smasher 2000 (5)        Win time challenge for Around the World 
                              in 80 Bites 

Up and Atom (5)               Win time challenge for Bartman Begins 

Wood Chippin' (5)             Win time challenge 
                              for Lisa the Tree Hugger 

Burger Victory (10)           Finish Around the World in 80 Bites 

Burns Baby Burns (10)         Finish Lisa the Tree Hugger 

Chocolate Victory (10)        Finish The Land of Chocolate 

Doll Crazy (50)               Find all of Lisa's Malibu Stacy Seals 

Challenger (50)               Win every time challenge 

On the Matt (40)              Finish Five Characters 
                              in Search of an Author 

Goes to 11 (30)               Find all of the collectibles 
                              in Springfield 

Victory at Sea! (25)          Finish Medal of Homer 

Sparkling Defeat (25)         Finish Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game 

Dragon Slayer (25)            Finish NeverQuest 

Doggie Dazed (25)             Finish Grand Theft Scratchy 

Heavenly Score (20)           Get a perfect score 
                              on the final Boss battle 

The Alienator (15)            Finish Invasion of the Yokel-Snatchers 

Save the Simpsons (15)        Finish Bargain Bin 

Power Up! (15)                Finish Enter the Cheatrix 

Mmm Donut (15)                Finish Shadow of the Colossal Donut 

A Passive Fish (15)           Finish The Day of the Dolphin 

Heist Hijinx (10)             Finish Bartman Begins 

Fight the Power (10)          Finish Mob Rules 

Dufftacular Finish (50)       Find all of Homer's Duff Bottle Caps 

Fast Times (50)               Beat every episode target time 

Hairs to You (50)             Find all of Marge's Try-n-Save Coupons 

Poster Paster (50)            Find all of Bart's Krusty Kollectible 
Worst Clich├й Ever (50)        Find all of the Video Game Clich├й Moments 

Cloud Nine (100)              Finish Game Over 

Complete Package (150)        Finish every episode, find every 
                              collectible, and discover every 
                              Video Game Clich├й Moment

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Страница: Читы на The Simpsons Game для Xbox 360

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