
Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure

Archaeologist (40)
Collect 10 Story Scrolls. (primary profile)
Call Me Fireman! (40)
Beat Kaos' Evil minions in Lava Lakes Railway with only Gill Grunt's Power Hose. (primary profile)
Can't stop me! (40)
Complete 3 Challenge levels. (primary profile)
Chompy Chopper (10)
Defeat 15 Chompies in the Shattered Island level. (primary profile)
Climb to the Top (60)
Level up any one Skylander to level 10. (primary profile)
Dancing Fire (20)
Complete the Lava Lakes Railway level and acquire the elemental source. (primary profile)
Dodge Ball (20)
In Falling Forest, beat Evil Ent while more than 5 of his seeds are on the field. (primary profile)
Fashion Elite (40)
Collect 10 Hats. (primary profile)
Fashion Stylist (10)
Have your Skylander equip a hat for the first time. (primary profile)
Fresh Air (10)
Complete the Stormy Stronghold level and acquire the elemental source. (primary profile)
Get me if you can! (20)
Complete Crystal Eye Castle without being hit by any of the rolling barrels. (primary profile)
Gotta buy them all (20)
Purchase all upgrades for any one Skylander. (primary profile)
Happy Hour (10)
Open any treasure chest. (primary profile)
Hello!! Skylander (10)
The first time you put your Skylander on the Portal of Power. (primary profile)
Home Sweet Home (10)
Complete the Shattered Island level. (primary profile)
I love shopping (10)
The first time you purchase an upgrade for your Skylander. (primary profile)
I love smashing! (20)
Destroy all of the rocks in the Molekin Mine level. (primary profile)
Inside Power (10)
Unlock any Elemental Gate. (primary profile)
Leviathan Dentist (10)
Get swallowed by the Leviathan 5 times in the Leviathan Lagoon level. (primary profile)
Light of Life (20)
Complete the Falling Forest level and acquire the elemental source. (primary profile)
Magic Time (40)
Complete the Arkeyan Armory level and acquire the elemental source. (primary profile)
Mine Detector (20)
Complete the Troll Warehouse level without getting injured by the landmines. (primary profile)
Mother Earth (10)
Complete the Stone Town level and acquire the elemental source. (primary profile)
New Challenger (20)
Complete your first challenge level! (primary profile)
No Rocket Fired! (20)
Never use any rocket in the Falling Forest level. (primary profile)
One for All! (60)
Defeat Kaos without swapping Skylanders during the battle. (primary profile)
Perfect Technology (20)
Complete the Battlefield level and acquire the elemental source. (primary profile)
Phew! That was close! (20)
In the Leviathan Lagoon level, dodge 30 sharks without being hit. (primary profile)
Pure Water (10)
Complete the Leviathan Lagoon level and acquire the elemental source. (primary profile)
Star Chaser (60)
Get 3 stars in any one level. (primary profile)
Tag me if you can! (20)
Avoid being hit by the laser traps during the boss fight in Creepy Citadel. (primary profile)
The Ace Pilot (20)
Defeat 30 enemies while riding the War Machine in the Arkeyan Armory level. (primary profile)
The First Battle (10)
Play and complete any PvP match: win or lose. (primary profile)
The Savior (60)
Complete the adventure mode by finishing the game. (primary profile)
The Spiritual Mentor (40)
Collect 10 Soul Gems. (primary profile)
Treasure-hunter (40)
Collect 10 Legendary Treasures. (primary profile)
True Portal Master (80)
Unlock all other Achievements. (primary profile)
Undead Spirit (20)
Complete the Creepy Citadel level and acquire the elemental source. (primary profile)

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