

Unlock Disney XD car
1) From main menu click the options tab. 2) When in the options menu, enter the code using the buttons and the D pad on the controller. 3) After you enter the code the car should be in the garage.
Unlock Disney XD car
X, Down, X, Down, X, Down
At the options menu input this code using the analog stick or the D-Pad, while using the face buttons(A,B,X,Y). (I did it on the "Split Screen" option).
Unlocks the AMX version of the Coyote for use in Quick Play.
Left, X, Left, X, Left, X, Left, X, Left, X, Left, X, Right.
Computer Spelie Car
At the options menu input this code using the analog stick or the D-Pad, while using the face buttons(A,B,X,Y).
Unlocks the Spelie car for use in Quick Play.
X, Up, X, Up, X, Up, X, Up.
Beat The Team (25)
Beat 1 minute 7 seconds on Construction Site in Detonator.
Beat The Team II: The Revenge (25)
Beat 1 minute 18 seconds on Power Plant in Detonator.
Clear Skies (10)
Win your first Season Air Revenge event.
Eliminator (10)
Win your first Elimination event.
Giant Killer (25)
Beat an opponent with an online form of 10 or better.
Going The Distance (30)
Drive a total of 1,081 miles.
Great Explorer (30)
Trigger a total of 50 route changer Power Plays.
Heavyweight (25)
Wreck 1000 rivals with Power Plays.
High Five (25)
Spend a total of five minutes airborne.
I Have The Power (5)
Trigger your first Level 2 Power Play.
In Good Form (10)
Get an online form of 75 or better.
Keep On Truckin' (10)
Win your first Season Survival event.
Leading The Way (50)
Win every Bonus Round.
Made The Podium (40)
Complete the Season Championship.
Moving Ahead (25)
Win 6 Bonus Rounds.
On The Run (10)
Win your first Season Air Strike event.
Out Of Reach (25)
Get an online form of 25 or better.
Perfection (130)
Complete every event and Season Championship race in first place.
Power Up (5)
Trigger your first Level 1 Power Play.
Qualifier (10)
Qualify for the first round of the Season Championship.
Race Winner (10)
Win your first Race event.
Right On Track (10)
Win your first Bonus Round.
Season Champion (80)
Complete the Season Championship in first place.
Start Me Up (10)
Win an online event.
Survivor (25)
Complete round six of the Season Championship.
The Time Is Right (10)
Win your first Season Detonator event.
Winner (20)
Win a round of the Season Championship.
World Beater (50)
Get an online form of 1.

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