
Splosion Man

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
A Little Help from Your Friends (25)
Complete the Multiplayer game.
All Hail The Splode King (25)
Complete the Single Player game in Hardcore mode.
Eventual Destruction of a Galaxy (10)
Be on the lookout for an old friend.
Get Over Yourselves (10)
Select "Credits" from the "Help & Options" menu and watch the whole thing.
Get Them Out of Our Schools (10)
Eliminate 10 Scientists and stop them from spreading their filthy lies.
Lay Off the Caffeine (10)
Splode 300 times in one stage.
Master of Controls (10)
Attempt to edit your controls in the options menu.
Not a Portal Reference (25)
Collect all 47 cakes in Single Player mode.
Omaha Steaks?, Delicious! (15)
Create 5,000 filets.
Only Gandhi Would Be Proud (10)
Finish a stage without killing any scientists.
Sugar High (25)
Collect all 47 cakes in Multiplayer mode.
You're the Best Around! (25)
Complete the Single Player game.
AFTER 8/11/09
Break any glass in the game to get this. This is the first game to have avatar rewards.
Splosion man Tee shirt (for your avatar)
Break any glass in the game (after 8/11/09)
Avatar Awards
These are awards for your avatar unlocked in Splosion Man. Two are for the male avatar and two are for the female avatar. (The other male is mentioned in another section on this page)
Big Science Dress (Female)
Complete the multiplayer campaign.
Big Science T-Shirt (Male)
Complete the multiplayer campaign.
Splosion Man Sweatshirt (Female)
Break any glass in the game.
Splosion man Tee shirt (for your avatar)
Break any glass in the game (after 8/11/09)
Coward's Way Out- Let's you skip levels
To unlock this feature simply kill yourself repeatedly by holding right trigger until it unlocks.
Unlockable Gamer Pics and Premium Dashboard Theme
Complete the following levels to get the reward:
'Splosion Man Gamer Pic
Beat Single Level 1-4
'Splosion Man Premium Theme
Beat Single Level 3-18
Scientist Gamer Pic
Beat Multiplayer Level 1-4

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