
Surf's Up


Unlockable                   How to Unlock 

Quick Learner (10)           Complete all the lessons in the tutorial.

Beginner's Luck (10)         Get 1 Trophy in Shiverpool area.

Leaving Shiverpool (20)      Get 2 Trophies in Shiverpool area. 

Welcome to Pen Gu South (10) Get 1 Trophy in Pen-Gu South area. 

Leaving Pen Gu South (20)    Get 4 Trophies in Pen-Gu South area. 

Welcome to the Volcano (10)  Get 1 Trophy in Volcano area. 

Leaving Volcano (20)         Get 2 Trophies in Volcano area. 

Welcome to Pen Gu North (10) Get 1 Trophy in Pen-Gu North area. 

Leaving Pen Gu North (20)    Get 3 Trophies in Pen-Gu North area. 

Fashion Freak (40)           Unlock every accessory. 

Board Collector (40)         Unlock all the boards in the game. 

Shiny Stuff 1 (10)           Collect 25 Surf Idols in surf 
                             and leaf slide levels. 

Shiny Stuff 2 (20)           Collect 50 Surf Idols in surf 
                             and leaf slide levels. 

Shiny Stuff 3 (50)           Collect 100 Surf Idols in surf 
                             and leaf slide levels. 

Slide Survivor 1 (10)        Beat the hi-score 
                             and get the shell in leaf slide 1. 

Slide Survivor 2 (10)        Beat the hi-score 
                             and get the shell in leaf slide 2. 

Slide Survivor 3 (10)        Beat the hi-score 
                             and get the shell in leaf slide 3. 

First steps (30)             Start surfing on the Pen Gu North 
                             Legendary wave. 

Lucky one (10)               Get a total of 4 Shells. 

Shell Collector (20)         Get a total of 8 Shells. 

Shell Lover (30)             Get a total of 12 Shells. 

Shell Addict (40)            Get a total of 16 Shells. 

Too Many Shells (50)         Get a total of 20 Shells. 

Record Man! (100)            Get a total of 27 Shells. 

The Beach Kid (50)           Unlock Arnold by getting the second shell 
                             in Shiverpool 2.

Wild Encounter (100)         Unlock Elliot by getting the second shell
                             in Volcano 2.

The Geek (50)                Unlock Geek by getting the second shell 
                             in Pen-Gu South 4.

Figure from the Past (100)   Unlock Z by getting the second shell 
                             in Pen-Gu North legendary.

King of Boneyards (100)      Get 1 Trophy in Boneyards.

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