
Tomb Raider: Legend

Various cheats
     While  in  game,  pull and hold the Left Trigger. Note that these
codes can only be used after they are unlocked.

Cheat code:                                 Effect:
Hold LB: and press A, B, A, LT, X, Y        Infinite Assault Rifle 
Hold LB: and press LT, Y, RT, B, LT, X      Infinite Grenade Launcher 
Hold LB: and press RT, B, X, LT, X, A       Infinite Shotgun Ammo 
Hold LB: and press B, Y, LT, RT, A, B       Infinite SMG Ammo 
Hold LT: and press A, RT, Y, RT, X, LB      Bulletproof 
Hold LB: and press Y, A, B, RT, Y, LT       Wield Excalibur 
Hold LB: and press A, RT, B, RT, LT, X      Wield Soul Reaver 
in game, Hold LT then press Y + A + Y +X + LB + B
                                            One Shot Kill 
While holding LT, press: LB-A-B-A-Y-RT      Textureless Mode 
While holding LT, press: X-B-A-LB-RT-Y      Draw Enemy Health

Ghana: Gold statue
     At  the end of the level, when you stand on button that opens the
timed  door, do not enter that door. Instead, go to the under the door
to find a golden statue.

Japan: Alternate costume
     When  you reach a room which has a hanging dragon in it, you will
find  a large red box. Throw it to the floor to break it. You will get
a gold statue that gives you a new costume.

Lara in bikini
     To  unlock  the  white  and  black  swimsuits  for  Lara you must
complete  the  game, find all the rewards (including the ones in Croft
Manor)  then  complete the game again under the time trial difficulty.
Complete  Bolivia Redux in time trial mode. This will allow the use of
the  "One  Shot  Kill" cheat which will help significantly. Note: This
will  also  unlock  everything  else in the game, including the pistol
upgrades, another thirty costumes, and the "Wield Excalibur and "Wield
Soul Reaver sword" cheats.

Unlockable Character profiles
     Collect  the  indicated  number of Bronze Artifacts to unlock the
character profiles:

Lara Croft - Collect 10%
Zip - Collect 20%
Anaya Imanu - Collect 30%
Shogo Takamoto - Collect 40%
Toru Nishimura - Collect 40%
James Rutland - Collect 50%
Amanda Evert - Collect 70%
Winston Smith - Collect 80%
Alister Fletcher - Collect 90%
Unknown Entity - Collect 100%

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