
Truth or Lies

A Bad Bunch (40)
A player wins a round with a score of 1000 points or lower
Chief Interrogator (65)
Record 20 Hot Seat questions
Choir of Angels (65)
All players answer with a truth on any question in a single round.
Close to Home (20)
A player answers a Hot Seat question truthfully
Coming Clean (20)
Register a truthful response in a standard game
Confidence Game (40)
A player takes less than 6 seconds to answer a question
Consistent (65)
A player achieves the same placing in every round
Dubious (40)
A player receives most truthful and least truthful in a single round
Fibber! (40)
A player registers 3 consecutive lies in a standard game
Full House (20)
8 players register for a game of Truth or Lies
Goody Two-Shoes (20)
A player answers 2 consecutive truthful responses
Habitual Liar (40)
A player comes last in 2 consecutive rounds
Honest John / Jane (20)
A player scores over 900 points for any question in any round
I Thought I Knew You (40)
A player registers a lie to every question in a Hot Seat round
In It for the Long Haul (30)
Complete a long game of Truth or Lies
Is It Getting Hot in Here? (20)
Calibrate your voice
Is That So? (20)
A player answers a Hot Seat question with a lie
Judge and Jury (20)
Record a Hot Seat question
Morally Bankrupt (65)
All players answer with a lie on any question in a single round
Mute (20)
A player fails to answer a question
Original Sinner (20)
Register a lie in a standard game
Procrastinator (40)
A player takes more than 9 seconds to answer a question
Saint (65)
A player answers with the truth for every question in a single round
Senior Interrogator (40)
Record 10 Hot Seat questions
Sinner (65)
A player answers with a lie for every question in a single round
Sweaty Palms (20)
Register your name
Take the Fifth (20)
A player fails to answer 3 consecutive questions
You Can Breathe Out Now (20)
Complete a game of Truth or Lies

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