
uDraw Studio: Instant Artist

Accomplished Artist (20)
Paint with Each Brush Type at least once
Advanced Artist (30)
Complete three Color Lessons in Art School
Animated Artist (20)
Create artwork using an Animated Stamp
Anti-Alien (20)
Complete Level 1 in the Alien Splat Game
Art Camp Crazy (50)
Explore all Art Camp Activities
Artist in Training (10)
Activate an Extended Tool Tip
Awe-Inspiring! (50)
Explore all Art Starters
Beginner Artist (30)
Complete three Drawing Lessons in Art School
Bring it on! (30)
Obtain 6 lives in the Alien Splat Game
Canvas Country (50)
Save a Painting with all of the Different Canvas Types
Challenge Champ (30)
Complete Level 5 in the Tilt Painting Challenge Game
Color and Cruise (30)
Complete Level 3 in the Tilt Painting Challenge Game
Color Conundrum (50)
Use all the colors in the Palette Wheel in Tilt Painting Freeplay Mode
Color Crazy (30)
Save a Custom Palette
Color Fill Crazed (5)
Save a Coloring Book Painting in the Gallery
Dots Terrific! (5)
Save a Connect The Dots Painting in the Gallery
Fancy Pants (10)
Paint with the Calligraphy Pen
Get Inspired! (20)
Explore any Art Starter
Great Start! (20)
Complete any Art School Lesson
I've Got Your Number (5)
Save a Numbers Painting in the Gallery
Intermediate Artist (30)
Complete three Painting Lessons in Art School
It's Customary (20)
Drag and Drop a basic color into the Palette Wheel
Just a Warm up (20)
Complete Level 1 in the Tilt Painting Challenge Game
Lockdown! (10)
Activate the Lock Palette feature
Look, No Mess! (10)
Paint with the Fingerpaint Brush
Lost in Paint (20)
Complete Level 1 in the Tilt Maze Game
Maze Master (50)
Complete all 40 Tilt Mazes with a total time of less than 40 minutes
My Personal Effects (10)
Apply an Effect Filter to a Painting
Personal Masterpiece (5)
Save a Painting in the Gallery
Picture This (50)
Export a Painting
Place Your Mark (30)
Create a Signature Stamp
Remmy's Apprentice (50)
Complete all Art School Lessons
Sit Back and Relax (20)
Watch a Slideshow of your Gallery Paintings
Sizzling Splatter (30)
Completed Level 10 in the Alien Splat Game
Splat Maniac (50)
Complete 2 Levels in a row without losing a Life in the Alien Splat Game
Splat Success (10)
Paint with the Splatter Brush
Stroke of Luck (10)
Select a Different Stroke Mode in the Brushstroke Menu
Tilt Triumphant (30)
Complete Level 10 in the Tilt Maze Game
Tilting Hero (30)
Complete a Tilt Maze in 60 seconds

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