
Virtua Fighter 5

     Complete  each  of  the  following  achievements below to get the
allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:

Dojo Stages (5)               Complete the Command Time Attack 
                              with one character. 
Amateurs' Tournament (10)     Place in the top three 
                              in the official Amateurs' Tournament.

Beginners' Try (10)           Place in the top three 
                              in the official Beginners' Try 

Command Master (10)           Complete the Command Time Attack 
                              with any 5 characters. 

Orb Finder (10)               Collect 7 orbs using the same character 
                              data and receive an orb item. 

Orb Hunter (10)               Collect 21 orbs using the same character 
                              data and receive 3 orb items. 

Arcade Mode Completion (15)   Clear Arcade Mode (Normal Mode). 

Fifth Dan (15)                Earn a promotion to Fifth Dan 
                              in offline play. 

Champion of Club Sega Bay Area (20) Defeat all rivals at Club Sega Bay 
                              Area using the same character data. 

Champion of Club Sega Downtown (20) Defeat all rivals at Club Sega 
                              Downtown using the same character data. 

Champion of Sega Arena Coast (20)  Defeat all rivals at Sega Arena 
                              Coast using the same character data. 

All Emblems (30)              Collect all emblems using 
                              the same character data. 

Champion of Sega Arena East (30)  Defeat all rivals at Sega Arena East 
                              using the same character data. 

Champion of Sega World Route 101 (30)  Defeat all rivals at Sega World 
                              Route 101 using the same character data. 

Defender/Hunter/Warrior (30)  Earn the Master rank, then win 5 matches 
                              in a row against Tenth Dan opponents. 

Tenth Dan (30)                Earn a promotion to Tenth Dan 
                              in offline play. 

All Items (50)                Collect all items using the same 
                              character data. 

Champion of Sega World North (50)  Defeat all rivals at Sega World 
                              North using the same character data. 

Champion of Sega World South (50)  Defeat all rivals at Sega World South 
                              using the same character data. 

Dural (50)                    Clear Arcade Mode (Normal Mode) 
                              with all characters.

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