
Warriors Orochi

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:
Ability level 100 (30)
Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 100 or higher.
Ability level 20 (30)
Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 20 or higher.
Ability level 40 (30)
Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 40 or higher.
Ability level 60 (30)
Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 60 or higher.
Ability level 80 (30)
Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 80 or higher.
All officers available (70)
Save the game with all officers unlocked.
Available officers - 15 (20)
Save the game with 15 or more officers unlocked.
Available officers - 20 (20)
Save the game with 20 or more officers unlocked.
Available officers - 25 (20)
Save the game with 25 or more officers unlocked.
Available officers - 30 (20)
Save the game with 30 or more officers unlocked.
Available officers - 35 (20)
Save the game with 35 or more officers unlocked.
Available officers - 40 (20)
Save the game with 40 or more officers unlocked.
Available officers - 45 (20)
Save the game with 45 or more officers unlocked.
Available officers - 50 (20)
Save the game with 50 or more officers unlocked.
Available officers - 55 (20)
Save the game with 55 or more officers unlocked.
Available officers - 60 (20)
Save the game with 60 or more officers unlocked.
Available officers - 65 (20)
Save the game with 65 or more officers unlocked.
Available officers - 70 (20)
Save the game with 70 or more officers unlocked.
Available officers - 75 (20)
Save the game with 75 or more officers unlocked.
Level four weapon acquisition (40)
Save the game after acquiring the fourth weapon.
Unique item acquisition (40)
Save the game after acquiring the unique item.
Unlocking Last Gaiden Stages
In order to unlock them, you must complete these requirements in Stage 7
Achieve 1000 KO
Escape from the burning castle within 2 minutes (this includes friendly officers)
Defeat the defected Da Ji within 1 minute
Rescue the Sun family within 3 minutes
Unlockable Movies
Credits Complete any story.
Start any story.
Sengoku Ending
Complete the Samurai Warriors story.
Shu Ending
Complete the Shu story.
Wei Ending
Complete the Wei story.
Wu Ending
Complete the Wu story.
Unlock 4th Weapons
To unlock the 4th weapons, simply obtain weapons on stages with three or more stars on Hard difficulty, or any stage on Chaos difficulty.
Unlockable Characters
Perform the following tasks to unlock the certain characters
Cao Cao
Clear WEI Chapter7
Cao Ren
SAMURAI Chapter5-X; Save all the Yellow Generals and escort the Cavalry.
Da Ji
Must complete all the campaignes and all the X-Chapters
Da Qiao
WU Chapter5-X; Meet up with Da Qiao before the enemy does
Dian Wei
Clear WEI Chapter7
Diao Chan
WEI Chapter5-X; Reach Diao Chan under 6 Minutes
Dong Zhou
SAMURAI Chapter4-X; Defeat the 3 supply troops before they reach Dong Zhou.
Gan Ning
Clear WEI Chapter6
Ginchiyo Tachibana
Clear SHU Chapter1
Goemon Ishikawa
SHU Chapter4-X; Break all 10 of Goemon's Treasure Boxes.
Guan Ping
Clear SAMURAI Chapter1
Guan Yu
Clear SHU Chapter7
Huang Gai
Clear WEI Chapter5
Huang Zhong
Clear SAMURAI Chapter1
Clear WU Chapter5
Jiang Wei
SHU Chapter2-X; Ambush plan must succeed!
Kanetsugu Naoe
Clear SAMURAI Chapter7
Keiji Maeda
Chapter6-X; Reach Keiji's base in 20 minutes with all officers still alive.
Kenshin Uesugi
Clear SAMURAI Chapter7
Kotaro Fuma
WU Chapter2-X; Guide all supply troops to your base and then defeat Kotaro
WU Chapter4-X; Escort all the people safely out of the stage
Ling Tong
Clear SAMURAI Chapter5
Liu Bei
Clear SHU Chapter8
Lu Bu
Defeat Lu Bu on each of the four Chapter 8-X's
Lu Meng
Clear WU Chapter3
Lun Xun
SAMURAI Chapter3-X; Escort Lu Xun to your base.
Ma Chao
SAMURAI Chapter2-X; All peasants and ma Chao must survive.
Magoichi Saika
Clear SHU Chapter1
Masamune Date
SHU Chapter5-X; Complete all missions given to you.
Meng Huo
Clear SHU Chapter4
Clear WEI Chapter2
Musashi Miyamoto
SHU Chapter6-X; Musashi's Swordsmen must survive and open the flood gates.
Nagamasa Azai
Clear WEI Chapter6
WEI Chapter3-X; Defeat both Nene clones within 4 minutes of them appearing
WU Chapter3-X; Stop all of the messengers and Nobunaga Oda cannot be in your group!
Clear WEI Chapter6
Clear SAMURAI Chapter3
Unlock all other characters in the game.
Pang De
SHU Chapter3-X; Rescue all of Hojo Armies' Generals.
Pang Tong
Clear WEI Chapter4
Ranmaru Mori
Clear WU Chapter1
Sakon Shima
Clear WU Chapter3
Shingen Takeda
Clear SAMURAI Chapter7
Sima Yi
SAMURAI Chapter6-X; Beat Yellowbelly and Urutu as fast as possible.
Sun Jian
Clear WU Chapter7
Sun Quan
Clear WU Chapter7
Sun Shang Xiang
Clear WU Chapter5
Tadakatsu Honda
Need to impress Tadakatsu Honda on each of the four Chapter 7-X's
Taishi Ci
Clear WU Chapter2
Wei Yan
Clear SHU Chapter3
Xiahou Dun
Clear WEI Chapter4
Xiahou Yuan
Clear WEI Chapter4
Xiao Qiao
Clear SAMURAI Chapter3
Xu Zhu
Clear WEI Chapter1
Yoshimoto Imagawa
Prevent all engineers from entering the village.
Yuan Shao
Clear SHU Chapter5
Yue Ying
Clear SHU Chapter2
Yukimura Sanada
Clear SHU Chapter3
Zhang Fei
Clear SHU Chapter7
Zhang He
WEI Chapter2-X, Have Cao Pi convince Zhang He to join him
Zhang Jiao
Clear SAMURAI Chapter3
Zhen Ji
WEI Chapter6-X; Defeat all 6 Sorcerers and fake Cao Pi
Zhou Tai
Clear WU Chapter6
Zhou Yu
Clear WU Chapter1
Zhu Rong
Clear SHU Chapter4
Zhuge Liang
Clear SHU Chapter7
Zuo Ci
Complete all four campaigns from Chapters 1-8 (Not including the X-Chapters)

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