
Watchmen: The End is Nigh

Complete each of the following achievements below to get the allotted gamerscore.
Detective (15)
Find all abilities and pickups in Nite Owl mode.
Exterminator (8)
Perform 250 finishing moves.
Hero (36)
Complete the game in Nite Owl mode.
Psycho (36)
Complete the game in Rorschach mode.
Retaliator (8)
Perform 200 counter attacks.
Shield (8)
Dodge or block 25 incoming attacks.
Strong Arm (8)
Knock 100 people over, by throwing other people into them.
Teamwork (36)
Complete the game in co-op mode.
Thief (15)
Find all abilities and pickups in Rorschach mode.
Turbo (11)
Complete the game in less than 80 minutes in one session, without restarting from a checkpoint.
Untouchable (11)
Go unharmed for an entire level, without restarting from a checkpoint.
Vigilante (8)
Eliminate 20 bad guys in 101 seconds.
Rorschach VS Nite Owl
Complete part 2 to unlock the Rorschach VS Nite Owl versus mode.
Part 2 Achievements
Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore.
Electric Explosion (8)
Hit 14 enemies with a single electrify armor blast.
Feral Fighter (15)
Perform all 8 Rorschach combos within 60 seconds.
Focus Fire (11)
Take down 10 enemies in a row finishing off each of them before doing damage to anybody else.
Friends Forever? (36)
Complete the game in Co-operative mode.
Gentleman (8)
Complete Chapter III without hitting any ladies before they hit you.
Martial Artist (15)
Perform all 8 Nite Owl combos within 60 seconds.
Morally Superior (36)
Complete the game as Nite Owl.
Ping Pong (8)
Hit at least 4 different enemies while building up a combo.
Rrarararghgh!!! (8)
Sustain a single rage mode for 60 seconds.
Street Justice (36)
Complete the game as Rorschach.
Unending Combo (8)
String a single uninterrupted combo that's at least 10 hits long.
You Tag 'em - I Bag 'em (11)
Eliminate an enemy that your partner has knocked down or thrown in your direction.
Rorschach Versus Night Owl
Complete the game to unlock Rorschach Versus Night Owl mode.
Rorschach versus Night Owl
Complete the game.

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